Monday, November 19, 2012


Fellow believers,

Greetings in Christ!

It is but an honour to come up with this page for the CWS, with utmost gratitude i would like to commend for a reading of such. May this humble work be of great help as resource materials and information for excellent job for the greater glory of the body of Christ through the CYF empowered and strengthened by the Holy Spirit. This humble work was done with a hope that such will compass the thousands of steps these CYF had taken for decades in the name of service through faith in Christ. As Christian Witness and Service of the CYF organization, included are insights and  updates of the life of our Christian Organization especially of the CWS and other important materials you may need covering the programs of the CWS as committee mandated by our organization to reach out our brothers and sisters inside and outside the circle of the body of Christ.

To the different members of the CYF around the archipelago of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP), to each individuals who untiringly supports the organization, for the commitment and challenges you took to serve Christ through the CYF, my dear officers from thousands of local churches to the  conferences, jurisdictions and national level the glory and honour belongs to God! Mabuhay ang CYF! Mabuhay si Cristo Jesus!

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